Product Catalog
Click the Buy Now button to purchase up to 10 licenses.
ELD Curriculum and Assessments
Language Tree Online ELD programs are designed to support in-class teacher instruction during designated ELD time and can also be used for remote learning. The ELD 1/Newcomers and ELD 2 programs function as a continuum, with beginner English learners starting in the Newcomers or Level 1 module and then moving on to more advanced lessons in Level 2 as they make progress.
ELD Level 1 & Level 2 Full Curriculum - Semester License

Access the full range of standards-based online lessons, assessments, teacher-led lessons, and practice assignments.
Grade Level: 6-12
Proficiency Levels: Newcomers to Intermediate
Subject: ESL, ELD, ESOL
- Web program (Use anywhere)
- PDF printables
- Entry and Exit online assessments
- Video lessons and corresponding interactive exercises
- Downloadable teacher-led instructional routines
- Practice assignments
- Teacher reporting and class resources
Term Length:
- January 1 to June 30
Volume discounts are available for purchases of 10 or more student licenses. Email us to learn more.
Online Professional Development (ELD 1 & 2)

Online PD Description: Add PD to your order. Learn how to use the Language Tree Online program with fidelity! We highly recommend you go through online PD before using the program for instruction. This online course is equivalent to our 2-hour live introductory PD session but with the added benefits of convenience and anytime review.
Purchase the Online Professional Development course to get started.
Performance Indicator for the ELPAC (Bundle)

Performance Indicator Description: Prepare and equip students to do their best on Summative ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment of California). The Performance Indicator mirrors the structure, rigor, and scoring of the ELPAC. Students get realistic practice across all four domains: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Teachers can see where students need the most support and provide targeted support in those areas.
Note: If you need more than 10 licenses, you can double the order or contact us.
Beginner Spanish
Developed by dual-immersion educators, our award-winning*online Spanish program can be used in the classroom as a supplemental resource for Spanish immersion classes. They can also be used at home for self-paced learning and practice by students of any age.
*Parents’ Choice Award Winner
Online Beginner Spanish Level 1

Start with the fundamentals of the Spanish language, including learning correct pronunciation, counting, everyday objects and days of the week. Then learn about basic verb conjugation and common adjectives.
Grade Level: 1-5
Subject: Spanish
Format: online Web course
Resources: video lessons, interactive exercises
Length: one year subscription
Note: Contact us if you need 10 or more subscriptions.
Online Beginner Spanish Level 2

Progress to more advanced topics as you deepen your understanding of Spanish grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction.
Grade Level: 1-5
Subject: Spanish
Format: online Web course
Resources: video lessons, interactive exercises
Length: one year subscription
Note: Contact us if you need 10 or more subscriptions.
Spanish for Kids eBook
Want a fun way to get your elementary Spanish students to learn foundational concepts and vocabulary? Use our multimedia ebook to help you teach and reinforce common phrases, vowel sounds, and words for food, colors, and more! Included are fun sing-along songs and video vignettes so students can see and hear the Spanish language in various contexts.
Grade Level: 1-5
Subject: Spanish
Format: PDF eBook
Resources: lessons, songs, videos
Spanish for Kids Worksheets/Handouts
Print out these fun exercises to use with your elementary-level Spanish students. Students can practice their knowledge of numbers, colors, meeting & greeting phrases, parts of the body, and more! Use this workbook as a companion to our Spanish for Kids eBook or by itself to support your lesson plans.
Grade Level: 1-5
Subject: Spanish
Format: PDF