Language Tree Online hybrid ELD programs address the full range of Arizona English language proficiency standards (ELPS), including the standards related to listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They feature developmentally appropriate content, themes, and topics for English language learners in grades 6-12.

Our English language development programs are designed to:

  • Meet multilingual learners where they’re at on the ELP continuum, from Pre-Emergent to Intermediate
  • Help teachers understand individual student’s specific language challenges via assessments of language skills
  • Strengthen oral comprehension and communication skills through engaging multi-sensory lessons
  • Build foundational reading and writing skills, including phonics and phonological awareness

Correlation to AZ ELP Standards

Below are just a few examples of how lessons in the Language Tree Online curriculum connect to specific Arizona ELP standards. Lessons include explicit instruction on a critical language skill, followed by a series of checks for understanding.

To view how our lessons align with each AZ ELP standard, click here.

AZ ELP Standards

Language Tree Online

(sample lessons in ELD 1 & 2)

Receptive Communication (1, 2)

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Listening actively – how to ask and answer different question types
  • Reading and viewing closely – explain ideas, processes, and relationships based on close reading
  • Analyzing language choices – understand how the choice of language produces nuances and different effects on the audience
Productive Communication (3,4,5)

  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Presenting – plan and deliver oral presentations
  • Writing – write literary, informational, and other text
  • Justifying and arguing – justify opinions by providing textual evidence or background knowledge
  • Exchanging information and ideas – engage in conversational exchanges with peers on familiar topics
  • Using specific language – use academic and domain-specific words to create precision when speaking and writing
  • Adapting language choices – modify register according to audience
Interactive Communication (7,8)

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening actively – demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations of social and academic topics
  • Reading and viewing closely – explain inferences and conclusions using information drawn from text
  • Evaluating language choices - use language to support ideas and arguments with detailed evidence
  • Writing – write brief summaries of text using complete sentences and key words
Language Strand (9,10)
  • Text Structure – apply organizational structures of different text types for writing and comprehension
  • Verb and verb phrases – use a variety of appropriate verb tenses
  • Nouns and noun phrases – expand noun phrases to enrich the meaning of sentences and to add detail

Grade Appropriate ELD Solutions that Address the Range of Proficiency Levels

It's important to use instructional resources that are developmentally and age-appropriate or risk low engagement from students. Our leveled programs incorporate culturally relevant content and topics that are meaningful to middle and high school multilingual learners.

how Language Tree aligns with AZ eld standards

Learn More About the Language Tree Online Newcomers, Level 1 and Level 2 Programs



The Newcomers program is for newly-arrived students and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education.

ELD classes

ELD Level 1

ELD 1 is designed for Pre-Emergent and Emergent English learners (0 – 2 years of ELD study).

Classroom ELD

ELD Level 2

ELD 2 is suitable for Basic/Intermediate learners (2+ years of study) and LTELs struggling to achieve re-designation.

Students who were able to use the Language Tree Online program last year learned a lot and scored well on the AZELLA.

John Boyle, M.Ed.

Phoenix College Preparatory Academy (AZ)

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