Online English Language Development (ELD Level 2)

Module 4: ELD Level 2 Language Function and Construction

The ELD 2 Language Function and Construction module focuses on teaching critical language resources (structure, organization, and meaning) that help students become better readers, writers, and speakers. With this knowledge, multilingual learners will be equipped to communicate more effectively, with improved clarity and cohesion.

This module also helps English learners unpack meaning in texts they encounter across academic disciplines and make informed choices about how to use language appropriately—based on discipline, topic, purpose, audience, and task—when producing written texts and oral presentations.

Skill Area Examples of Topics Covered
Structuring Cohesive Text
  • Applying understanding of text structures to write more coherently
  • Applying knowledge of pronouns, synonyms and connecting words to write with more cohesion
Expanding and Enriching Ideas
  • Using verbs in a variety of tenses appropriate to the text type
  • Enriching meanings of sentences using noun phrases
  • Expanding sentences with adverbial phrases to add details
Connecting and Condensing Ideas
  • Combining clauses to make connections between ideas and to join ideas
  • Condensing ideas in a variety of ways to create precise and detailed sentences
eld teaching module video

To view the full scope and sequence for Language Tree Online ELD Level 2, click here.

Language Tree Online has all the intructional resources and materials needed for your designated ELD/ESOL class.

video instruction

Multisensory instructional input

featuring a “virtual professor” explicitly explaining and modeling language concepts

explaining fall to ESL students

Multiple checks for understanding

with different question types addressing all four domains of language

worksheet examples

Teacher-led instructional resources

for whole class or small group instruction

Additional Practice assignments

with writing tasks that can be used as homework or review

Assessment results, progress monitoring, and intervention tools

all at your fingertips

ELD assessment sheet and practice program

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