Onboarding Process for Districts Using ClassLink
Language Tree Online works with ClassLink OneSync so the rostering process is automated. Note: A sync with the Roster Server happens every night, so additions and deletions of enrollees may take up to 24 hours.
Step 1: Add and Assign Application
- Log in to the ClassLink Management Console. The Language Tree Online application can be found in the ClassLink App Library.
- Follow your usual process to add and assign the Language Tree Online application to your users’ “My App” screen. This can be done individually or via the Roster Server
- The number of assigned users (including teachers) should not exceed the number of licenses purchased by the District or School
Step 2: Testing
At least one week before the go-live date, District IT should plan to test whether a student or teacher can access the Language Tree Online program through the ClassLink portal.
- For the test, make sure that the Language Tree Online app icon is visible on the student portal or teacher portal. The test ID should be for someone rostered in our course.
- Try logging in using the test ID
Note: If you have any issues related to the ClassLink portal, please contact ClassLink Support.