Curriculum Connected to the ELPA21 Standards

Language Tree Online hybrid ELD programs are closely aligned with the ELPA21 standards that relate to listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The programs also feature developmentally appropriate content, themes, and topics for English language learners in grades 6-12.

They help ELLs prepare for re-classification and reach their full academic potential by:

  • Meeting multilingual learners where they’re at on the ELP continuum, from Newcomers to more proficient English language learners
  • Providing formative and summative assessments to identify areas where students need more direct support
  • Delivering challenging curricula that prepare students for the language demands of content-area classes
  • Strengthening oral comprehension and communication skills through engaging multi-sensory lessons
  • Building foundational reading and writing skills, including phonics and phonological awareness
ELD students learning in classroom with Language Tree

Aligned with ELPA21 Standards

See below for a few examples of how specific lessons in the program address ELPA21 standards. The Language Tree Online Newcomers, ELD 1, and ELD 2 programs provide online and teacher-led lessons that explicitly teach these language skills or functions followed by a series of checks for understanding.

Download our full correlation to all 10 ELPA21 standards here.

ELPA21 Standard

Language Tree Online Modules and Lessons

  1. Construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing.

Module: Collaborative Listening and Speaking                                      

  • Lesson 5: Listening Actively
    Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and discussions on familiar social and academic topics by asking and answering questions, with prompting and substantial support.

Module:  Language Function & Construction

  • Lesson 1: Understanding Text Structure
    Understanding how different text types are organized to express ideas (e.g., how narratives are organized sequentially) to comprehending texts and writing brief arguments, informative/explanatory texts, and narratives.
  • Lesson 2: Understanding Cohesion
    1. Apply basic understanding of language resources for referring the reader back or forward in text.
    2. Apply basic understanding of how ideas, events, or reasons are linked throughout a text using a select set of everyday connecting words to comprehending texts and writing basic texts.
  1. Participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments.

Module: Collaborative Listening & Speaking

  • Lesson 1: Exchanging Information and Ideas
    Engage in conversational exchanges and express ideas on familiar topics by asking and answering yes/no and wh-questions (who, what, when, where, and why) and responding using simple phrases
  • Lesson 2: Interacting with Written English
    Collaborate with peers on joint writing projects or short informational and literary texts, using technology where appropriate for publishing, graphics, and the like.
  • Lesson 9: Presenting
    Plan and deliver brief oral presentations on a variety of topics and content areas.
  • Lesson 11: Supporting Opinions
    1. Support opinions by expressing appropriate/accurate reasons using textual evidence, and relevant background knowledge about content.
    2. Express ideas and opinions or temper statements using basic modal expressions.

Module: Language Function and Construction

  • Lesson 1: Understanding Text Structure
    Understanding how different text types are organized to express ideas (e.g., how narratives are organized sequentially) to comprehending texts and writing brief arguments, informative/ explanatory texts, and narratives.
  • Lesson 2: Understanding Cohesion  
    1. Apply basic understanding of language resources for referring the reader back or forward in text.
    2. Apply basic understanding of how ideas, events, or reasons are linked throughout a text using a select set of everyday connecting words to comprehending texts and writing basic texts.

Grade-appropriate solutions that address the continuum of ELP Levels

It's important to use instructional resources that can serve English learners as they progress and attain higher levels of proficiency. It's also important that resources are relevant and age-appropriate. Language Tree Online's leveled programs incorporate culturally relevant content and topics that are meaningful to middle and high school multilingual learners.

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elpa21 chart

Learn More About the Language Tree Online Newcomers, Level 1 and Level 2 Programs



The Newcomers program is for newly-arrived students and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education.

ELD classes

ELD Level 1

ELD 1 is designed for Pre-Emergent and Emergent English learners (0 – 2 years of ELD study).

Classroom ELD

ELD Level 2

ELD 2 is suitable for Basic/Intermediate learners (2+ years of study) and LTELs struggling to achieve re-designation.

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