English Language Development Curriculum

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WEBINAR: Proven Strategies for Supporting Secondary School Newcomers and SLIFEs

Date:  October 29, 2024 | Time: 1:00 PM PDT/ 4:00 PM ET

Overcome the Roadblocks Impeding English Learner Progress

Why has progress stalled for some English learners, even after many years of study? The key to unlocking English language proficiency requires understanding how language works and functions in our daily lives. Unfortunately, most literacy resources only offer minimal support in building language skills.

Language Tree Online is different. Our English language development (ELD) programs are fully aligned with the latest English language proficiency standards to keep the focus on language acquisition and development. They feature:

Sheltered Instructional Strategies

Video, image, and audio support help make new concepts easier to grasp and keep learners engaged.

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Stories reflect meaningful aspects of English learners' identities and daily lives.

Age-Appropriate and Leveled Content

Targeted levels specifically for middle and high school English learners

Use our hybrid ELD/ESOL curriculum as a supplemental resource or as the instructional foundation for designated ELD time, English Language Arts, or extended learning opportunities. Language Tree Online can typically be purchased using Title III, Title I, or ESSER funding.



For recently arrived students with any degree of language proficiency, our Newcomers module provides acculturation support to build confidence in a new school environment. For English language learners with limited transferable language skills, we offer functional vocabulary builders and highly scaffolded language lessons aligned with the standards.

screenshot of student in newcomer class video

ELD Level 1

Beginning and Emerging

ELD Level 1 is an English language development program for beginner ELLs in the secondary grades. Our ELD curriculum addresses all four domains of language. Standards-based assessments, online lessons with oral practice, teacher-led instructional routines, and built-in intervention resources work together to accelerate English language acquisition.

teaching eld on computer
  • Thorough Standards-Based Entry and Exit Assessments
  • 28 Standards-Based Lessons
  • 28 Teacher-Led Instructional Routines
  • 28 Practice Assignments
  • Oral Language Practice and Writing Tasks

ELD Level 2

Intermediate and LTELs

After completing Level 1, or based on assessment results, students can move on to ELD Level 2. This rigorous program prepares intermediate and long-term English learners for re-designation. Cross-curricular instruction with an emphasis on academic language helps English language learners improve academic performance and meet CCSS for ELA.

teaching for ELD
  • Thorough Entry and Exit Assessments
  • 32 Standards-Based Lessons
  • 32 Teacher-Led Instructional Routines
  • 32 Practice Assignments
  • Oral Language Practice and Writing Tasks

The Language Tree Online program has been such an amazing resource for both myself and my students. There were multiple options when it came to learning. Students were able to work independently at their own pace. I was also able to easily check on student progress through the program.

Ms. Mara DenBosch-Verdicchio
6th Grade ELA/History & Beginning ELD
Franklin Classical Middle School, LBUSD

This is a great program. I adapt the extension activities to make assignments and projects for my students. There is a lot of granular skills that I would overlook if not for Language Tree Online.


The best thing I like about the program is that they're explaining things really well, easy to understand.



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Flexible Instruction

As the teacher, you are the pilot and our program is the co-pilot! Use our program as often as you like to support your instruction. Our program can be used for both in-class and remote learning. Students can learn and practice anywhere using any connected device.


Language Assessments

Standards-based formative assessments identify specific language gaps, so you know where to focus instructional time. Summative assessments taken after program completion show learning growth and help indicate which skills still need to be developed.

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Standards-Based Lessons

Our standards-aligned program employs sheltered instructional strategies (SIOP & SDAIE) and integrates language instruction with subject matter content in math, science, and social studies. Multi-sensory support helps students better understand and retain lesson input.  

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Teacher Resources

We provide downloadable instructional routines to support small group instruction or for intervention. Also included are printable worksheets for students to practice, sample schedules, and language skills trace.

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Acculturation Support

For newcomers, our American School Culture module helps build confidence, functional vocabulary, and awareness about their new school environment.

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Reporting & Tracking

Teacher and admin-level reporting tools give real-time visibility to assessment scores, usage, lesson progress, and where students need intervention.

Contact us about solutions for your school or district. We will be in touch within 24 hours.

The Vocabulary Builder section of American School Culture was very helpful.  It provided new terms applicable to the video subject content of the chapter and helped my students listen more actively when reviewing the video content a second time.”  Stacy Lica, EL Coach Jordan high school.